Saturday May 31 found several members of the Amador Flyfishers on the West Carson in Hope Valley teaching the on the water portion of our introduction to fly fishing class. After lunch the group broke up and headed off to fish separate areas. Ron Calvert and I headed over to Red Lake Creek to check it ot. At our last meeting we had heard reports of beaver dams all over the creek and we wanted to check them out.
We found lots of beaver dams, no disappointment there. The creek had changed quite a bit since the last time I fished it, a lot of that change coming from the beaver dams. The fish seemed to be spookier than I remember, but after a few lessons learned by spooking a whole pool of fish we figured out how to be more stealthy. Once that lesson was learned, we started to hook into some of the feisty brook trout that were inhabiting the beaver ponds. They did not seem to have a preference for mayflies or caddis flies as they attacked both with abandon. We both managed to hook up with over twenty fish in about 3 hours of fishing.